School Life


Nandhi Hill View International School

Extra Curricular activities at NHVIS are integral components of a well- rounded and balanced education. Extracurricular activates positively impact other areas of student’s school life. They enhance imagination, productivity, stress relief, team work and social kills. The activates have been carefully chosen to develop logical thinking, creativity, active listening communication, strategy, leadership, physical stamina, and motor and coordination kills.

Extracurricular activity are conducted daily from 2:30 pm to 3:30pm. The curriculum has been designed o give each students the opportunity o participate in all the extracurricular activities. We ensure that we provide ample encouragement and guidance o our students during these activites.


Nandhi Hill View International School

Knowledge is power and unity is strength. A great student council utilize and the collective abilities of the students for the well-being and progress of the student community.

The NHIVS student’s council is the representative body of students. it promotes the ideal that one can sustained the positive changes only through active participation and leadership. A council member ‘s duty is to be acutely aware of the students needs and concerns. Each student’s leader is expected to be aware of council regulations and maintain integrity and good conduct.

Roles and responsibilities of the students council members.

Nandhi Hill View International School

  • Maintaining strong communication between the students and the school administration
  • Mentoring and supporting fellow students
  • Maintaining discipline among students and enforcing the code of conduct.
  • Understanding students needs and concerns, and communicating them clearly to the concerned authorities
  • Planning and organizing various events.
  • Organizing fundraisers for various causes and events.
  • NHVIS appoints House Capitan, Cultural Capitan, Sports Capitan, and Academic Captain for every academics.
    House Captain are appointed for each of our 4 houses. The captain of each house is responsible for maintaining a sense of unity and harmony among the house members. They are required to encourage healthy competition among the different houses. The organize various house activities.
    The Cultural Captain is in charge of planning and organizing cultural activities and in-charge of activity clubs of the school.
    The Sports Captain is responsible for improving the quality of sports activities at NHVIS in co-operation with the sports department and would oversee forming team, improving participation, fostering healthy competition and encouraging good training practices.
    The Academic Captain Serves as a role model for the improvement of academic. His/her responsibility is to mentor students and help them adopt better study and learning practices.

Trips & Excursions

Nandhi Hill View International School

Excursions from NHVIS are designed as a safe and fun way to introduce children’s to new experiences in the world at large. ALL outings are planned to be age appropriate. We always maintain healthy teachers – to- students ratio to ensure adequate supervision of children’s. We conduct education trips fields trips, fun trips, and others outings with specific outcome, to enrich the livies of our students and expand their horizons.


Nandhi Hill View International School

School Counseling is a program in which a trained professional counselor provides support, gives encouragement and teaches skills in the areas of personal, social, academic and career development. A school Counselor also helps students emotionally and socially so that they can perform to the fullest potential at school tasks.

The following counseling services are available to all students:
  • Individual counseling
  • Group counseling
  • Classroom Interventions